Project Events
Since 24.02.2022, many people in Ukraine have been unable to express the burning pain caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine. In a state of fear and threat, the brain switches on the survival programs and we are not able to live properly and to let go of our fear, sadness and anger in a safe way. We keep it together because we have to make informed decisions, because we have loved ones, children who we do not want to embarrass and who we must provide for. We block out the screams and howls of grief, the desire to hide in a corner, to freeze in fear and powerlessness. This is how our body and brain work when faced with terrible events, how our psyche saves us in times of crisis. Finding space for the ecological manifestation of “negative” emotions is difficult, even in times of peace. So, we keep them inside. However, the unfulfilled emotions do not disappear. Over time, they become an obstacle to us evolving and moving forward. It is impossible to let go of unexpressed emotions. They seem to take up space in us and weigh us down. It is very difficult to bring fresh and harmonious things into own life without letting go of the old and heavy.
Voice exercises, sounding techniques and singing can be healing. The body and mind are cleared of blockages through sound vibrations. In addition, sounding and singing use a special breathing technique that saturates the blood with a large amount of oxygen. This helps to normalize the functioning of all important body systems. This knowledge was put into practice by our ancestors. They performed rituals and singing at all important life events. They healed themselves with sound, vibrations of sound in the body. Applying sound disclosure techniques, experimental and traditional singing and vocal rituals for practical use in contemporary realities will be part of our shared research during the Artistic Residency. You can read the full curatorial text about the residency, its goals, process and results here.
What to expect when we meet:
Throughout one month, we will find sounds that set us free and allow ourselves to make them. We will make sounds personally and collectively. We will use voice, body, movement, breath, musical instruments, visualization, etc. to get to our own sound. We will listen to ourselves and others. We will also explore sound in the public space of the neighborhood. We will also try to record our sounds as a daily practice. We will draw on traditional and experimental singing techniques as well as visual and physical perceptions of sound. We will fill the space with our “work in progress” and look for different ways to document our experience. Dynamic and relaxation practices will be included in the sessions. Most of the exercises are going to be done playing.
Examples of some practices: voicing, e.g., your mood or favorite thing; sounding, e.g., playing a sound or singing or saying a word; making music; moving in space-individually, in pairs, in groups.
What is an artistic and community program?
It is a creative interaction through artistic or mixed media practices between artists and participants who may or may not have met each other before. As a result of this interaction, all participants become co-authors of a common process. They play, sound, move and/or create a common art object. There is space for individual expression at the same time.
Learn more about artistic and community programs in the interview with curator Anna Haidai.
What does “Unpacking the Sound” aim to achieve?
To introduce artistic and non-artistic practices that help to make connections and begin to communicate through words or sounds, to regain one’s “voice” and unlock one’s own sound, to “hear” and accept each other while being in a shared process, to co-create and co-sound together. Sharing a space where it is safe to be together, expressing our emotions and moods through sound, finding the individual and being a community.
Program Schedule:
Meetings are held on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Thursday 18:30-20:30.
Saturday 12:00-16:00 (on the last Saturday of the program, 19.08, the meeting will be held from 14:00-18:00).
The program will begin on July 27, 2023. A total of 10 meetings are scheduled:
8 meetings with the participants who applied for this announcement will be held in a regular format,
2 meetings will be held in an open format with anyone who is interested in attending.
Artists in residence:
Stas Turina, Anna Sapon, Oleksandr Steshenko (Atelier Normale art collective, Kyiv), Vira Ibrіamova-Syvoraksha (Chernihiv), Anastasiia Voitiuk (Lviv).
The artists with and without Down syndrome will participate in the “Unpacking the Sound” program.
The program is part of the Magic Carpets art residency at the Jam Factory Art Center. “MagiC Carpets” is an international art platform created in 2017 that gives evolving artists and curators an opportunity to start their own “magical trip” by collecting local stories all around Europe and telling them in other countries through their art.
Jam Factory Art Center became a member of “MagiC Carpets” in January 2020. For further information, visit this page.
The project “MagiC Carpets” is co-financed by the EU Program “Creative Europe”.
Program and executive director
Bozhena Pelenska
Operations and executive director
Tetiana Fedoruk
Event management
Krystyna Chervinska
Office management
Anastasiia Moloko
Mariia Shvets, Yuliana Chorna
Financial support
Rymma Hladka
Bohdana Davidiuk
Olha Klymuk, Anastasiia Ivanova
Program Team

Artists in Residence