A series of film workshops for teenagers was launched near the Jam Factory building. It involved professional teams of artists from Sweden, Belarus and Ukraine. The “Film Workshop. Pidzamche” project’s aim was to discover interesting and unknown life of the industrial area of Pidzamche through the eyes of local teenagers. These children had the opportunity to become film heroes, directors and cameramen. They could get to know the secrets of sound directing or try themselves in acting. It is one of the new art projects that took place near the Art Center buildings and was dedicated to helping local residents as well as everyone in Lviv change what they think of this industrial area and mobilize local residents through joint participation in a creative process.
The lecturers of the “Film Workshop. Pidzamche” were: Sybrig Dokter (Sweden), Shida Shahabi (Sweden), Serhiy Petliuk (Ukraine), Kateryna Radchenko (Ukraine), Sofija Sadovskaja (Belarus), Bazil (Belarus).
On Saturday, 18 March 2017, in a venue near the Jam Factory (Mekhanichna Street, 1) a presentation of week-long teenagers’ efforts was held: exhibition of works, film screening and discussion of positive changes in the environment with the help of cultural intervention.
The lecturers
