The Black Box

The black box is an educational program that focuses on contemporary theater and consists of diverse formats: lectures, public debates, workshops and focuses attention on the theater in the global, national, as well as local context. The goal of this program is to improve performance of the artists of theater in Ukraine by creating the space for learning, exchanging experiences and communication. 

2019 — now
18 Events
Jam Factory Infopoint


“The black box” symbolizes Ukrainian contemporary theatre space. It is commonly known that a black box is the box investigators search for in the event of a plane crash to figure out the real reason for the catastrophe. However, the device called a black box is not a box per se, but a spherical or cylindrical case which is not even black, but bright orange.

These two definitions are the basis for understanding of the programme: the contemporary theatre can acquire any form regardless of the proclaimed or standardized ones. And even though these forms are occasionally difficult to comprehend, they are the only opportunity to build up the cause-effect relations to understand their sources and senses.

Consequently, we hope to contribute to the development of the new generation of Ukrainian artists — through the cultivation of openness, self-awareness and development of critical approach to theatrical art.


the black box 2024 | Educational Program “Theatre that (Hasn’t) Lost Hope. Community”

May 2-3, Lviv

Reflecting on the program for Lviv, a city currently vibrant with rapidly developing theatrical processes and attracting a multitude of artists working in various directions and aesthetics, we decided to focus on strengthening a value-driven theatrical community and enhancing the professional skills of practitioners, particularly those working in the field of Devised Theatre and employing performative modes of existence. Within the framework of workshops and lectures, theater professionals will have the opportunity to gain practical tools from skilled mentors who adeptly work with the combination of reality and fiction, the montage of aesthetics, and storytelling techniques.


– “Awakened Body” workshop by Rob Hayden (USA/Belgium)

– “Freedom and Soap I” open lecture by Alina Uberti (Romania)

– “The Body as Text” workshop by Nina Khyzhna (Ukraine)

– “Freedom and Soap II” workshop by Alina Uberti (Romania)

Location: Lviv, B. Khmelnytskoho St. 124, Jam Factory Art Center (Auditorium)

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the black box 2024 | “Theatre that (Hasn’t) Lost Hope. Utopia”

March 30-31, Kharkiv

Jam Factory Art Center and “Nafta” Theatre are organizing workshops and artist talks for professional theater artists and students. This year, the program for the black box 2024 will take place in three cities: Kharkiv, Lviv, and Kyiv.

In their concept, curators Nina Khyzhna and Artem Vusyk focus on the current socio-political and theatrical context of the chosen cities:

“Observing the theater scene in Kharkiv, which today suffers not only from enemy shelling but also from the ban on theatrical activities, we inevitably turn to the resource of ‘active hope.’ This seems to be the only way to endure, stand firm, resist demoralization and frustration, and continue doing our work despite everything. Every day, we must find the strength to take small yet historically significant steps toward the formation of a conscious theatrical environment, one ready to engage in critical thinking, and political and socially responsible art.”


– Workshop by Liuba Ilnytska
– Artist talk with Oleg Stefan
– Workshop by Oleg Stefan

Location: Kharkiv, YermilovCentre

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the black box 2023 | Production of memory

October 21-22, Dnipro

The trauma of war affects the entire society, our future, and our past. The role of artists and creative practices is crucial to begin the healing process. Forty-four million people in Ukraine and abroad are experiencing war at this very moment. Ukrainian artists will be at the forefront of rebuilding and restoring the destruction left by the war in our hearts and minds. We’re talking about the vision of ethical creation. We haven’t stopped producing values through artistic practices or in other ways. This part will be devoted to talking with practitioners. We will discuss the “black box” in the artistic field. Who programs it and how it captures reality.

Curator of the program: Veronika Skliarova


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The Black Box 2023 | The Politics of Memory

July 1-2, Kharkiv

What is our entry point into the great war of February 2022? Are we still in a “traumatized past” or have we emerged from it and entered a “traumatic present”? How did we work with data in art and theater until 2022? The conversation will be about how to “correctly” and “ethically” interpret reality in art/theater today. We’ll delve into the methods of working with victims and witnesses, review various projects and media, and contemplate whether war erodes our ethical values and makes us worse.

Curator of the program: Veronika Skliarova


Other materials

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The Black Box 2023 | The Challenges of Memory

April 7-9, Lviv 

The series “The challenges of Memory” is dedicated to portraying the changes in the cultural landscapes of the country, popularization of art. For example, how to commemorate the theater of Mariupol or Kherson? What do we remember now about the theatrical sphere of Donetsk 2000 – 2014? We will consider different cases, both successful ones as well as “the memory loss” ones.

Curator of the program: Veronika Skliarova

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The Black Box 2021

Theater intertwines with reality, that exists outside its walls or denies it and creates own version of reality; mirrors the life or refuses reproducing the leading narratives; is the part of actual processes and events or tries to be the influencer; theater dissociates itself from the bustles of outside world or on contrary – steps out of its “black box” and ventures into spaces walls or stage platforms.

The art of performance that uses fiction, imagination and fantasy, in one way or another is in the relationship with the reality, both local, that considers work environment of actors and their personal affairs and specific context of creating; and global in which geographically and culturally distanced countries and events exist, non visible, therefore unknown social groups exist, latest scientific findings and the events long lost in the flow of time.

Publications in the “Korydor” magazine:

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Project Coordinators

Bohdan Hrytsiuk
Bohdan Hrytsiuk 2019 Program Curator
Liuba Ilnytska
Liuba Ilnytska Curator
Veronika Skrliarova
Veronika Skrliarova 2023 Program Curator
Mariia Kosiіchuk
Mariia Kosiіchuk Manager
Vlad Bilonenko
Vlad Bilonenko Manager

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