Finissage of the Exhibition “In Memory of the One Who Remembers”

In the exhibition’s final days, we’ve prepared a program of activities for you: a discussion on ARVM’s work, a documentary film screening, and the last curatorial tour.

September 6

Discussion: “A Contemporary Vision of the Anti-Colonial Focus in ARVM’s Work.” Oleksandr Halynskyi and Alevtina Kakhidze.

Time: 18:30 (duration: up to 1.5 hours)
Location: Auditorium
Entry: By registration

Alevtina Kakhidze will interview Oleksandr Halynskyi, a friend and archivist of Ada Rybachuk and Volodymyr Melnichenko, about their trips to the North (to Kolguev Island) in the 1950s-60s — how young artists from Kyiv witnessed the colonial policies of the then Soviet Union towards the so-called small nations, the Nenets, and how this knowledge and experience influenced the artists’ future work.

September 7

Film Screening: “The Rustling of Steps” and Discussion

Time: 18:30 (duration: up to 2 hours)
Location: Auditorium
Entry: By registration

“The Rustling of Steps” is a film about the present and memories, about death and life, about despair and happiness. It tells the story of the Memorial Park at Baikove Cemetery and the mosaic pool “Stars and Constellations” in front of the Pioneer Palace. It is about the extraordinary life of artist Volodymyr Melnychenko and his endless love story with Ada Rybachuk. About their lifelong collaboration. It shows that love is not about gazing into each other’s eyes, but about looking in the same direction.

September 8

Curatorial Tour with Lizaveta Herman

Time: 14:00 (duration: 1.5-2 hours)
Location: The group meets at the art center reception
Entry: By ticket

We invite you to the final curatorial tour of the exhibition “In Memory of the One Who Keeps the Memory.” Take the opportunity to learn about the exhibition creation and key ideas from co-curator Lizaveta Herman. We will walk through all the halls, discussing the exhibited works and their significant contexts.