Processing of banners into craft materials

Bags from Recycled Materials

Processing of banners into craft materials

The posters from Magic Carpets residency received a new life in the form of craft products: bags, covers, cosmetic bags

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The artists’ association “artes” (1929-1935) | Andrii Boyarov’s lecture

Andrii Boyarov’s lecture  is an attempt to draw attention to the subject of Lviv Avant-garde. The event took place on the 90th anniversary of the group’s creation. The lecture is based on the information provided by Piotr Łukasziewicz in his…

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To be ruїned. The Art of Transition

Jam Factory Art Center together with the artistic association “Farbovanyi Lys” has completed their joint project “To be ruїned. The Art of Transition”. This project is the last idea realized within the walls of Jam Factory Infopoint, thus it marked…

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