Opera Avangard

Jazz concert by Opera Avangard at Jam Factory Art Center!

May 19 at 18:00
Jam Factory Art Center Auditorium Tickets

Opera Avangard is a community of Lviv musicians and a kind of jazz laboratory that brings together musicians of different ages and statuses. Among them are professional academic and jazz musicians, as well as amateurs for whom music has turned from a hobby into a serious passion and a new profession.

Jazz improvisation became a challenge for them and gave them a sense of freedom. The musicians will fill the hall of the Art Center with a mix of jazz, funk, fusion, hip-hop and r&b!

Andrii Kizim – saxophone
Mykola Orel – keyboards
Ihor Vladyka – bass guitar
Danylo Bilous – drums

19 May at 18:00 (open door 17:20)
124, B. Khmelnytskoho St.
Auditorium hall

Early bird price: 350 UAH, on the day of the event: 400 UAH
