“All things ablaze” is a film made by three photojournalists: Oleksandr Techynskyi, Dmytro Stoykov and Oleksiy Solodunov.
The film shows how the energy of the people, full of the desire for freedom, clashes with the dark power of the repressive authorities; how the righteous anger of the crowd clashes with the stupid guards of the regime and turns into pure rage; how, as the first victims appear on both sides, the line between good and evil blurs, even if everything seems black and white from the outside. And, in the end, everything goes up in flames.
The film was recognized as the best Eastern European documentary at the 2017 DOK Leipzig festival in Germany.
The screening will be followed by a discussion.
On the Day of Remembrance of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes, we invite you to recall together the dramatic events that became an important part of our history.
February 20, 18:30 (entrance from 18:00)
Lviv, 124 B. Khmelnytskoho St. (Auditorium Hall)
Tickets cost 120 UAH.
The film is provided by the authors.