Бренд “Демократія” OPEN CALL

Бренд Демократія

Бренд “Демократія” OPEN CALL

Jam Factory Art Center запрошує акторів і актрис, громадських активістів і активісток, культурних діячів та діячок до розробки та участі в перформансі у рамках театрально-дослідницького проєкту Бренд “Демократія”.   

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What do we believe in, Conference Face to Faith

Conference n.1 | WHAT DO WE BELIEVE IN?

The first conference of the Face To Faith project

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Open Call for the FACE TO FAITH project

We now invite all interested artists from all backgrounds to propose new project ideas related to the topic of faith.

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Public Art Banner Art Talk

Art out of the box. Talk about public art

Online discussion on the importance of public art for the public with the finalists and jury of the Banner Art competition.

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Artist Jacopo Natoli at Jam Factory Lviv

Involving communities through artistic practices

The workshop by Italian artist and teacher Jacopo Natoli

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Bags from Recycled Materials

Processing of banners into craft materials

The posters from Magic Carpets residency received a new life in the form of craft products: bags, covers, cosmetic bags

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